Many entrepreneurs believe that hard work and dogged determination are all it takes to build and sustain a successful business. But when you consider the pressures of running a company, it seems wise to add effective stress-management to the list. Left unchecked, stress can erode your passion and undermine performance – not to mention, take […]
Regardless of the initial reason for founding a company or charitable organisation, revenue is the number one priority for all businesses. You can own and operate a community-based cause with heart, or you can be working towards an entrepreneurial vision of grandeur. Whatever end of the business scale you sit, if revenue targets aren’t firstly[…..]
Billing schemes. Skimming. Check tampering. Employee fraud is a real risk for entrepreneurs of fewer than 100 employees. In fact, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners 30% of fraud cases take place in small businesses. This article will help you recognize the most common signs of fraudulent activity before an unscrupulous employee destroys[…..]
How to obtain financing is a common concern for new businesses and those preparing to scale. Getting approved for a business loan or line of credit is more difficult than qualifying for a personal loan. It’s crucial that small business owners are adequately prepared to meet with a lender to present their business in the[…..]